Jim's out this week and Rylee is in! This week is all about gaming. All the love of old games and the excitement of whats to come!
Follow Up
Favorite Gaming Console
Favorite 4 Games
Adam -- 4: Supersmash Brother for 64 -- 3: Duckhunt -- 2: Half Life -- 1: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past -- 0.9: Metal Gear Solid
Rylee -- 4: Banjo Kazooie -- 3: Sonic -- 2: Zelda: Oceania of Time -- 1: World Of Warcraft
Lew -- 4: Cards Against Humanity -- 3: Madden -- 2: Halo: Combat Evolved -- 1: Diddy King Racing
Top Favorite
History of Gaming
- Rylee's First Game: Sonic
- Adam's First Game: Super Mario
- Lew's First Game: Super Mario
- Timeline
- Wiki's History of Gaming
- HowStuffWorks
- Atari: Game Over Documentary
Modern Day Gaming
Virtual Reality Gaming
Augmented Reality
Professional Gaming
Future of Gaming
Wrap Up
- We want your feedback ...we need your feedback
- Rate on Apple Podcasts, help thy fellow n00b
Opening Song by Steven James
Find more of his work on... Bandcamp - SoundCloud - Facebook