Get ready for a fun filled hour of first world problems... As the gang discusses the future of the internet speed. Turns out if the Wi-Fi stops working you are still screwed! Who is ready for 8K video and a buttkicker in your living room sofa?
Follow Up
- None!
Lew's Pipedream
- Google Data Center
- Digital Hoarding
- Instantaneous Internet
- World's Biggest Data Center
- Biometric Auth
- N00b Password Gen
- 1Tbps Connections
- Li-Fi Real World Testing
- Implantables by 2020
- 9 Military Inventions
- File Size Evolution
- 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D....
- Silicon Valley Dick Jerk Algorithm
- Infinite Memory
- Hoarders
- Cloud Anti-Virus
- Defending Data Centers
- Netflix Sign Up Flow
- Pulp Fiction
- Big Daddy
Opening Song by Steven James
Find more of his work on... Bandcamp - SoundCloud - Facebook