Email is a broken antiquated system that needs to be fixed. Adam wants a real snooze feature and global out-out lists. Lew forgot he owned a vanity email. Also Lew discovers what peanut butter plus dogs equals.
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Lew's Movie Review
Thoughts on Electronic Mail
- Setting up Email Aliases — Gmail Instructions
Opt Out of Analog (Physical) Junk Mail
- Opt-out of Credit Card Offers
- Out-out of Marketing Offers
- Opt-out of Telemarketing (OK, it's not exactly analog, but still...)
Mail App Alertnatives
- Mailbox RIP (This was Adam's favorite)
- Mailbutler
- Airmail — iOS ‣ macOS ‣ Google
- Spark by Readdle — iOS ‣ macOS
- Microsoft Outlook — iOS ‣ macOS
Wrap Up
- Adam's Amazon weekly spending spree
Opening Song by Steven James
Find more of his work on... Bandcamp - SoundCloud - Facebook
Where to Go
Recorded May 5, 2018